I am MCMZone & I’ve been an artist since the age of 13. At around the same age I began working for my Pop at his photography studio developing black & white film & occasionally assisting him on any one of his photography jobs. At age 19 my Pop gave me my first 35mm Pentax film camera & I began learning how to see images from behind the camera lens, thus developing my skills as an amateur photographer.
At the same time I was also becoming an artist. I took on small jobs & did paintings for my friends. Eventually I got my first official job at a graphic arts studio when I was 15. I also taught myself how to silk screen my own designs on t-shirts & began selling them to mom & pop boutiques & local record stores.
As the years passed I experimented with various artistic technics creating thousands of different works of art. My pieces can range from the dark corridors of my mind paving paths to fantasy worlds, monstrous beasts & thought provoking situations. However, I’m also capable of creating images which are delicate, beautiful & pleasant to the eye of the beholder. Artistic versatility is something I learned to achieve over the years in order to please the diverse tastes of those interested in my art.
Today I am a professional photographer & I shoot everything from nature, to models, to commercial events. I also continue to create all types of art on paper, canvas or whatever medium is available to me. This website features some of my preferred works of art & photographs from over the years. I certainly hope my art & photos will stimulate your senses & allow you to see in them what I see.
Thank you.
– MCMZone